Thursday, September 2, 2010

Louisville Schoolchildren Victims of Hate Crime!

The ride home from the first day of school turned into a nightmare fore thousands of grade school-aged children in the Jefferson County (Kentucky) Public School system.  Thanks to some well-placed sabotage in the implementation of a new (U.S. Supreme Court-ordered) desegregation program, most of the children under the age of 12 did not get home until 9:00 pm!

You see, in 2007, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that the old, quota-based system was Unconstitutional and ordered JCPS to devise a new system.  The new plan the school system came up with was so complicated that not even a computer could handle it.  But, the superintendent said, the new system would work smoothly as long as all the principals cooperated and did their share.

Guess what happened?  Two grade school principals, angry because their demands for making all schools have a 50% black population (not 50% minority -- 50% black), provided just enough wrong information (or, in some cases, no information) to bus drivers and parents to cause the entire system to collapse.  Some kindergarten students were dropped off at strip clubs in Louisville, others were left at busy highway intersections 20 miles away from home.  Still others were doomed to ride overcrowded buses in 90 degree heat with no air conditioning or water for up to 6 hours.

Once the school board figured out what had happened, they acted quickly: the guilty parties were suspended with pay for two days while school board staff members straightened out the mess.

So, basically, two foaming-at-the-mouth bigots got a two-day paid vacation for endangering thousands of innocent children.  I wonder what the kids have learned from this . . . .

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