Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tea Party Crackpots Doing Damage

Tuesday Night on Jimmy Kimmel's show featured a skit featuring a debate between Democrat Jack Conway and Tea Party candidate Rand Paul.  During the debate, allegations that Rand Paul tied up a coed and made her bow down before his "god" called "Aqua Buddha" were brought up.

This, along with other Tea Partiers making racist comments, dressing in SS uniforms, showcasing their lack of knowledge of basic Constitutional facts, and other acts of sheer goofiness are becoming a threat to the Republican party reclaiming the legislature.  Also, if these folks don't blow their races, what will they do once they've been sworn in?  Surely we won't have Nazi reenactments and witchcraft rituals being performed under the stone-cold eyes of Aqua Buddha at the opening of each legislative day!

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