Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tea Party Crackpots Doing Damage

Tuesday Night on Jimmy Kimmel's show featured a skit featuring a debate between Democrat Jack Conway and Tea Party candidate Rand Paul.  During the debate, allegations that Rand Paul tied up a coed and made her bow down before his "god" called "Aqua Buddha" were brought up.

This, along with other Tea Partiers making racist comments, dressing in SS uniforms, showcasing their lack of knowledge of basic Constitutional facts, and other acts of sheer goofiness are becoming a threat to the Republican party reclaiming the legislature.  Also, if these folks don't blow their races, what will they do once they've been sworn in?  Surely we won't have Nazi reenactments and witchcraft rituals being performed under the stone-cold eyes of Aqua Buddha at the opening of each legislative day!

Monday, October 11, 2010

In 1492 Columbus Caused America's Doom

Today we mark the 518th anniversary of Christopher Columbus reaching the Americas. . . well, we sort of mark it . . . government offices are closed, and there's the odd Columbus Day sale here and there. . .

In recent history, we've gone from honoring the event to protesting it to mildly scoffing and ignoring it.  All's the pity, since such a world-altering event deserves respect.

True, Columbus wasn't the first person to reach the western hemisphere (nor was he the first European), but it wasn't until after he arrived that the Old World did any serious exploring and settling in the New World.  True, that didn't bode well for the peoples already here, but that does not give those of us with European ancestry to demand Columbus be remembered as the bringer of genocide.  For one thing, Columbus himself didn't rape and pillage the natives (when crew members of the fourth voyage did those deeds, Columbus was too ill and weak to stop them).  Second, if those floodgates hadn't been opened, would the liberal revisionists live in a country where they were free to spit on the great achievers of history?  Probably not.

Thank you, Mr. Columbus, for setting in motion the events that would give us the United States of America!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Crumbling Infrastructure -- or RIGGED Infrastructure?

Last month's gas line explosion in California has caused many to say that our nation's infrastructure -- utilities, roads, etc. -- is in a dangerous state of decay.  If we don't begin major renovations NOW, we'll doom ourselves to more and more deadly mishaps.

But, if we aren't careful, we'll be setting up a new kind of prison state only imagined in science fiction stories.  Imagine this: as crews are replacing the gas lines under our homes, a sinister agency secretly places devices in strategic locations.  Then, someone like Karl Rove gets the president's dander up.  Suddenly BOOM! Mr. Rove's neighborhood goes up in one huge fireball.  Accident?  Looks like it, but who among us average folks can be sure?

Friday, October 8, 2010

It's Finally Over Over There!

Germany has finally paid off reparations to the Allied powers for WWI, per the Treaty of Versailles.

Many people would let this slip by without a moment's thought.  But, some would argue, it was the Allied faction's lust to crush an already devastated loser that set the stage for WWII.  It's something to think about: the Nazis wouldn't have come to power so easily if the Weimar Republic's economy was on the same footing as the rest of Europe instead of having an inflation rate so out of control that the postal service couldn't print stamps fast enough to keep up with the spiraling cost of postage.  Imagine a world where Hitler was nothing more than a failed artist in a two-bit political group that wouldn't have lasted past the mid-1930's.  Would that have prevented the Soviet bloc?  The Cold War?  The State of Israel?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

2-4-6-8 This Sleaze We Really Hate

Kudos to the cheerleaders of Central High in Bridgeport, Connecticut!  At a time when cheerleading has become little more than pole dancing without the poles, these fine young ladies had the courage to go to the school administration for more modest uniforms.

School board: modest cheerleaders "inappropriate"
The cheerleaders found the uniforms so inappropriate that two wore football jerseys at the first game to cover their exposed flesh.  "I feel trashy." cheerleader Ariana Mesaros explained.

Now, you'd think the school board, after hearing years of complaints from parents across the nation about how cheerleading has degraded into an underage strip tease, would be glad to see these intelligent young ladies' desire for the sports fans to see their talent instead of their (ahem) "titties".  But no!  Several board members said they would not tolerate "inappropriate attire" -- the football jerseys that were used to cover the cheerleaders at the football game! 

Thank God the superintendent, John Ramos, Sr., ignored those sleazy school board members and ordered new uniforms.  The cheerleaders should have them in time for the next game.

Now, I wonder, do the school board members who called the acts of modesty "inappropriate" just buy child porn, or do they also produce and sell it?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Well, Recuse Me!

Looks like having Elena Kagan on the Supreme Court might be a good thing, after all!  So far, she's recused herself from 25 of the 51 cases the Supreme Court agreed to hear, thanks to her 14-month stint as solicitor general.  And that means about 50% of the cases aren't so likely to get skewered toward the lame-brained liberal left!

Feel free in joining me as I thank God for this unexpected bit of wonderful hope!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Got a Prob? There's a Rally for That!

What has Glenn Beck wrought?  It used to be that a rally in the National Mall was a special thing -- think of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech.  But, ever since Glenn Beck's Rally to Restore Honor, there seems to be two or three a day!  There's the "One Nation Working Together" rally, the "Rally to Restore Sanity", the "March to Keep Fear Alive", "My Rally's Better Than Your Rally", "Your Rally's Ugly and Your Mother Dresses It Funny", and on and on and on.

Let the lame-brained liberals spend all their time and effort on silly little sit-ins; the rest of us can take America back where it belongs.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Yo, Obama! Sarah's Not Silly and Baseless!

The White House called Sarah Palin's belief that Pete Rouse might have had something to do with the large number of baseless ethics accusations "silly" and "baseless".

Silly and baseless.  Yeah, and I'm the pope.

The liberals just can't stand the fact that an accomplished, attractive woman is such an intense force for decency and morality in today's America.  I just wonder what kind of garbage they'll accuse her of next -- "She personally engineered the H1N1 flu pandemic!  No, wait. . . oh, I know!  She shot Bambi's mother!"
